See Our Work
Partner with the experts!
Cooper Road and Guadalupe Road Intersection Improvements
Tristar served as the prime consultant and provided utility coordination, construction administration and inspection services for The Town of Gilbert’s Cooper & Guadalupe Roads Intersection Improvements Project. This $9.1 Million CMAR project consisted of reconstructing the arterial intersection at Cooper and Guadalupe Roads. Additionally, the project included the reconstruction of the bike lanes, medians, utility lines, and two railroad crossings. This project was completed in October 2017.
Heritage District Transportation Improvements
The Town of Gilbert’s Heritage District Transportation Improvements Project consisted of improving the egress/ingress of the new parking garage structure located in downtown Gilbert. Additional work consisted of traffic and street improvements, the installation of new sewer and water lines, and re-routing the water main outside of the Gilbert Road alignment. Tristar served as the prime consultant and provided project management, utility coordination and inspection services for this $4.9 million multi-phased CMAR project. As a result of the efforts of Tristar and our project partners, the project was awarded the 2020 Public Works Project of the Year – Transportation – $5-$25 Million Award. This project was completed in October 2019.
Gilbert Road Improvements: Guadalupe Road to Baseline Road
The Town of Gilbert’s Gilbert Road Improvements Project involved the reconstruction of deteriorated asphalt pavement along Gilbert Road from Baseline Road to north of Guadalupe road. The scope included removal of all asphalt and sub-base on both the north and south bound lanes, replacing the existing antiquated waterline, and upgrading curb ramps and driveways for ADA compliance. As the prime consultant, Tristar provided full-service project management and construction management, design review, and preconstruction CMAR coordination services for the $6.5 million project. This project was completed in September 2019.
Olive Avenue Roadway Improvements: Citrus Road to Cotton Lane
Tristar served as the prime consultant on MCDOT’s Olive Avenue, Citrus Road to Cotton Lane project. During this project, Tristar oversaw the widening of Olive Avenue from two lanes to four lanes, the modification and removal of existing railroad crossings, and the realignment of road tie-ins at the future SR 303L intersection. As a result of the diligent work of Tristar, the contractor, and our agency partners, the project was awarded the 2019 Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award for this $9.7 million project. This project was completed in October 2019.
Northern Parkway Overpasses
MCDOT’s Northern Parkway Overpass Project consisted of the construction of two new overpass bridge crossings over Reems and Litchfield roads. Additionally, the project included PCCP pavement, drainage, signing and striping, and parkway lighting. Tristar served as the Prime consultant and provided construction administration and inspection services for the $10.5 million project. This project was completed in June 2015.
El Mirage Road: Northern Avenue to Peoria Avenue
MCDOT’s El Mirage Road project involved widening the roadway between Northern and Peoria avenues. The project also included intersection and signal improvements at Olive Avenue, Joe R. Ramirez and Cinnabar roads. Tristar served as the Prime consultant and provided full-service construction administration services for this $8.1 million project. As a result of the efforts of Tristar and our project partners, the project was awarded the 2018 Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award. This project was completed in June 2018.
Deer Valley Road: El Mirage Road to 109th Avenue
MCDOT’s $33 million Deer Valley Road project involves widening the existing roadway to five lanes and extending it across the Agua Fria River. The roadway connection across the river will be completed by placing more than 750,000 CY of earthwork borrow material and constructing two bridges: a single-span underpass at Tessmer Road and the signature 711-ft five-span, precast, prestressed, AASHTO Type Super VI concrete girder bridge crossing the river. The scope of work also includes a storm drain system, drainage retention basins, embankment protection, retaining walls, box culverts, guardrail, concrete barriers, traffic signals, street lighting, interconnect conduit, signing, pavement marking, pedestrian sidewalk ramps, landscaping, and irrigation. Two roundabouts are also being constructed as part of this project. MCDOT also partnered with the City of Peoria to construct a portion of the City’s new reclaimed water distribution system within the project limits.
Our Award Winning Projects

2022 Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award
35th Avenue: Carver Rd to Elliot Rd

2022 Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award
Northern Parkway: Dysart Rd and El Mirage Rd Overpasses

2022 Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award
Deer Valley Rd: El Mirage Road to 109th Avenue

2018 Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award
El Mirage: Northern Avenue to Peoria Avenue

2019 Arizona Transportation Partnering Excellence Award
Olive Avenue Roadway Improvements: Citrus Road to Cotton Lane

2020 Public Works Project of the Year Transportation
$5-$25 Million Award
Heritage District Transportation Improvements